Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Firing

Yesterday I finally got my stove approved by Frost Insurance. Of course I tried to light it that evening, which failed miserably. So today once I got home I immediately cleared out the center of the firebox, placed a scrap of tar paper on the grates and piled charcoal on top of it. Once that was burning strongly I slowly added anthracite, and now, three hours later...

This picture doesn't do the fire justice, it's a lot more spectacular in person. Just as spectacular is the heat from this tiny stove: I get the feeling that it could go even higher, yet even with two fans pulling air into the house, and both living room windows open it is HOT in here! Needless to say I think it'll do the trick this winter.


Rachel said...

Looks toasty!

Unknown said...

Really looks great! That will be especially nice in January!