Sunday, September 28, 2008

Aquarium Center update: Live Rock

In less than a week I managed to get the saltwater tank filled, the density stabalized and the water fully oxygenated. As I planned on Friday I purchased a 3.5 lb. piece of live rock from Sea 2 Sea, and I have to say that it is probaly one of the best pieces of live rock that I've ever seen, let alone bought!
The image posted is of the most "active" portion of the rock. I posted the image at full resolution to show the detail of what's going on, click to view the full-sized image. ALL of those small knobby protrusions are live hard coral polyps, and the two "spiny" purple areas on the far left protrusion are also hard corals! The two small patches look substansially different, and may be different species, I won't know for sure until they open up to feed. Needless to say I think I got a good deal: Despite the high cost of this kind of live rock ($9.50 a pound!) I know I got the best bang for my buck that I could've possibly hoped for.
As of right now I am very low on funding, and won't be adding anything (save for maintainence supplies), however once I have some spare cash I want to add more of this rock, and more likely than not an emerald crab (which will deal with any algae growth before it can get out of hand, like it did last time).
Obviously this is my house log, not my aquarium log. Depending on how this project goes it may be worth considering starting a seperate board for this...


Rachel said...

oooh, colorful little thingies are growing... this should eventually look really cool!

DurMan said...

Dude, that's pretty sweet!

I'm looking forward to seeing this tank once it's fully established!

Unknown said...

It really looks cool. Salt water tanks are always so pretty.