Sunday, December 14, 2014

MAJOR changes coming very soon...

It only took a few years...  But I finally did it.  I got a hold of my construction contractor, and the old Texas Inn is finally getting a REAL roof job!  Despite the wait, and consiquential deterioration, some benefit has come from the wait...  I have made the decision to make the entire structure my personal workshop, with discrete shops for metalworking, woodworking and automotive maintenance.  Having made this major decision, the old Texas Inn is no longer the Texas Inn...  New Purpose, New Name...

As of now, the Texas Inn is now...

The Arthur Jones Ironworks Blacksmith and Tool Shop

I chose this name in memory and honor of my paternal grandfather, Arthur Wallace Jones, who was a career machinist...  The fact of the matter is that this critical stage of my project would have been impossible without my grandfather's help, as this roof job is my share of of his estate.  As this project would have been impossible without my grandfather's help; I feel it only appropriate to name my shop after him...

Arthur "Casey" Wallace Jones, 1929-2013


The Arthur Jones Ironworks Blacksmith and Tool Shop, Established 2014

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