Sunday, August 17, 2008

Coal Stove

After driving my truck over 140 miles to Van Wert and back I now am the owner of a Harman Magnafire Mk. 1 coal stove. This stove is designed to burn anthracite (hard) coal, and according to the manufacturer only needs to be tended two or three times a day!

The really exciting part is how much money this will save me in the long run: Last year, despite not living here, I burned up over $1200 worth of LP gas! It is noteworthy that I did have an old, inefficient furnace at the time and there were two large holes in the walls. Yet my house has no insulation to speak of... With LP gas prices approaching the $4 per gallon mark I don't care to think how much it would cost to keep the house at a comfortable temperature now that I'm living here.
Hard coal is currently approx. $170 per ton. One ton of coal is the equivelant of about 300 gallons of propane. And, at $4 per gallon, that's $1200 worth of propane! That's a BIG price difference!

Obviously the stove is still incomplete; I was given the wrong door kit, and will be recieving a new one soon. Once I recieve that and complete the chimney I'll be ready for winter! For more information on the Magnafire Mk. 1 stove please click here.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Cool! I hope it does a good job of keeping the house warm when the weather cools down.