Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Closing Day

As of yesterday the House and the Texas Inn are now mine. Everything at the closing went as well as could be expected, and after lunch my mother and myself went out to inspect the property.

I didn't find anything perticularly scary during my damage survey, though I have a daunting project ahead of me. I have six months, starting yesterday, to get the house into livable condition by the bank's standards! Oh well, I doubt if it will take that long...

More soon.

In the Beginning

Every project has to begin somewhere. This is my attempt to log the renovation of my new home, as well as the eventual renovation of the former Texas Inn located on my property. I am not an advocate of blogs, I chose to use one rather than a traditional web page for conveniance sake. In any event I will try to post the progress on the project as it happens...